Originally Posted by Pawned View Post

IF ANYONE SENDS ME A PM INSTEAD OF POSTING HERE THEY WON'T GET IN. (I just got like 10 pms from different people...)

...You already broke that rule, awsomeson.
Belt : brown (only like 80 matches to black)
Favorite Mod:maybe samurai, JKD or soccer
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: when i come home from school 15:30-
Do you get annoyed when losing? Why should i? (no)
Do you make fun of others when they lose? Im not a noob... (no)
Anything else you want us to know?
I maybe wont be avable to play so much during summer break, couse its summer and i need to be outside =/
Also i have a Doggy and i like cookies!
Belt: black

Favorite Mod: judo, or classic

Age: 11

Country: united states

A Time That We Can Meet and Play: 3:00pm-7:00pm (depends)

Do you get annoyed when losing?: nope

Do you make fun of others when they lose?: only if i have something against them which i never do

Anything else you want us to know?: i was previously in NEWB now i want a more "pro" clan
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays
Belt: Green
Favorite Mod: default
Age: 15
Country: Canada
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: im on varios times, usaly for 1-4 hours
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no lol, unless it's to a noob XD
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: no,
Anything else you want us to know?: Can't think of anything...
Belt: Brown
Favorite Mod: Instagibfeet
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: anytime
Do you get annoyed when losing?: some times
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:no
Anything else you want us to know?:not really....
Belt: Green (50 games to brown)
Favorite Mod: Default and Blender
Country: USA
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: Any day you want, after 3:00 PM on weekdays till summer starts, then after 5:00 PM.
Do you get annoyed when losing?: No, I just try to figure out how I lost, and how to avoid that same situation, or improve that situation.
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: Sometimes, if its a really jerky person who is like, "oh i'm gonna own yer ass [insert curse strings here]" and then sucks, then probably. Otherwise I won't.
Anything else you want us to know?: I broke my dominant arm, and I'm currently using my left arm to play. I'll be out in 3 weeks, but I can still play effectively with my left arm. If I ever notice I don't have enough time to pull off certain moves, I use simpler, slightly less effective moves, that still give a good effect.
Belt: Blue
Favorite Mod: that monkey bar one i think lolz
Age: 15
Country: USA
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: anytime its summer
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no i laugh at myself lolz
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: not in a mean way i joke with people if thats ok
Anything else you want us to know?: I like to draw and Like metal \m/
most of the time but i half to be over at freinds
whatever server i dont have favs
only if there is big lines
i just play i dont realy be mean to others
iv been hooked ever since i found this game
i am awsome at this