Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
aikido bigdojo is a mod that needs a lot of skills... and imo in aikido big dojo.. even if the opponent is a noob, a douche or he just sucks you can have fun and win.. but in wushu... :v they can just hit you and run away and with that gravity and no dojo... Its hard to catch up a runner. Thats i think one of the reason because AikidoBD is used in many event. :3


wushu - require skills in cbs, and general controll of your tori.
if opponent is naab and he do openers you can avoid it, and well you can get him if you are good enough...

a7 - require skills in throwing, and with all that tweaks you are getting the most fairplay matches you can get (imo ofc, because there was time when pushing, lifting, grabbing torso, legs, going for dms on start was considered as gay shit), and also ( main reason ) because aikido (irl) is about throwing opponent, manipulate him, and not damaging him directly ( like karate for example )

and here goes bd..

bd - doesn't require good skills in throwing, but require skills in damaging opponent... directly.. thats why i can't relate bd to aikido

2 mods, but 2 different aproach to play, different type of skill.
compare clean throw and messaroundbd.tbm ..

Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
the clan will be weak ingame if you get focused only on one mod.

and to answer this:

we play mostly

w3 - wushu3.tbm
- wushu with increased dm/ft, distance, 750 frames

brushu - brushu.tbm
- wushu with even more increased dm/ft, then w3 1000 frames ( we often play 2k frames )

stab - stabjutsu_original.tbm
- best modification of ninjutsu ( original setting by stabberz ) bigger dojo, more frames, -21.82 gravity

a7 - aikido7.tbm
- you can grab only arms from hand to elbow, no dm, only self damage ( you can't harm opponent )

sw - sw4.tbm
- modification of spiritwrestling (similar to aikido bd ) there is dq timeout, wrists dq, ( no dq ankles ), you can grab only arms from hand to elbow, no dm, only self damage ( you can't harm opponent )

rk-mma - rk-mma.tbm
- similar to lenshu but rather easy to move, gravy -20
Last edited by snake; Nov 22, 2011 at 08:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
I did create ½ of those splat brushes... who cares about how simple is.... it still cool.. stop being a sarcastic tard.

You can act cool when you will stop to draw with your dick on the dablet.

also... tell me which tools I should use for make a logotipe about Ninjas and how should it look?
If you wanna complain or be sarcastic... at least.. make a damn point

Don't take it personally .

My inbox just freaked me out.

also give that badass logo some shurikens

and some slashes of a sword

make the gradient round and the background black .
Make some silhouettes of a ninja and mirror the whole ninja on the ground.

and don't make the blood .. ehh brush-arty
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)

i made a ninja there... but its so realistic that you cant see it :O.... sneaky! dont you think? also ... no shuriken no kunai no swords... to many elements already...
Last edited by Chikin; Nov 22, 2011 at 10:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
emm guys if you got any idea how thats possible to intoduce mod on picture it will be usefull.

so far achievements will look like: mod bg and ach text, and fl0wer head on bg and like win darky at blablabla

so.. just a few small memberpics and few mod pics

ach's will be 100x100

and we can create more ;p
Last edited by snake; Nov 22, 2011 at 10:58 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by snake View Post
emm guys if you got any idea how thats possible to intoduce mod on picture it will be usefull.
__________________________________________________ __________
so far achievements will look like: mod bg and ach text, and fl0wer head on bg and like win darky at blablabla

so.. just a few small memberpics and few mod pics

ach's will be 100x100

and we can create more ;p

Lost me at...
<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people
well... first of all if you make some Achievments icons, a good idea could be to use the colours for mark the difficulty of it. Like from white to black.... with different tone og gray. simple :3 and easy to remember... also... the "defeat xxxx in a duel" stuff.. you can make a little icon with the head of the player and the name under. all coloured by another colour (like blue).

Also new idea for you.. make one "defeat in a duel best of 3 chicken89 in Aikidobigdojo" >:3 (can be marked by red because Im not an official fl0w).....

btw for the mod stuff i will think about it and help out... now you can start work on the defeat xxxx quests icons
I guess this got iced?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!