Christmas Lottery
Dudes, can I make a suggestion?
We need a shop O.o
A texture shop or item shop
10% of sales go to the clan and the rest to the respective owner of said item
^ I been thinking of clan shop...
I made a thread name 012 sale. It Sellers now includes 3 [P] members
So I been thinking why not change to a clan shop
10-20% goes for clan if you want more even can give more
I could tell somebody to change thread name.
And even maybe Aitor,katsudon,xthemist or who ever else who does arts in clan
could take up request.seeing Katsudon already pmed this to me and had posted at suggestions.
I have a even better suggestion.
How about you guys do the damn clan ground texture.
Last edited by iCoon; Jan 7, 2012 at 03:01 AM.
Do you really think you're in control
Ico0n I think they are working on it
maybe both should do it
katsudon ''was''doing it
Now aitor so we could tell both to them
Slanesh:I don't think we can manage a clan band especially so soon
i did the hands!! lol
ehmm i have to work on the text
but the tutorial is shit and you can hardly catch anything..
so its hard to follow it to obtain the final result im looking for...
i will try to add more things to the hands to make it look more like shocking so that it matches with the text...
if anyone wants to give a shot to the tutorial here you have: