Ehh,Im fit,I got the normal fat,but I wouldnt say Im overweight ^_^
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
I am way over weight:

Even when I suck in, I am so fat:

I am joking guys, I almost have a six pack. Well I did, but I kind of lost it a bit.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
they making PE an official subject up until matric now, gotta do the tests and all that stuff
was quite a laugh when i heard about it

lol, 11 seconds flat here =D
no training and was befor the rugby season started, so i was rather unfit at the time...
But athletics is my strong point, long legs ftw hey...
Overall i reckon im rather underweight... 183cm/6"1' tall and only weigh 63kg...
so i fall into the underweight category...
funny thing is... i eat like more than most do...
my metabolism > all

edit: BMI = 18.8, hmmm, still reckon im a bit on the small side...

nice bendover ure pretty damn fast lol, BMI= 20.8 yay! lol
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
I am way over weight:

Even when I suck in, I am so fat:

I am joking guys, I almost have a six pack. Well I did, but I kind of lost it a bit.

you must eat every time your lose : P
the god
Originally Posted by a_coathanger View Post


More Fat = More Energy

thats my excuse

I'm workin on the weight for realz though

You have barely any energy. Almost every time I come to your house, you usually fall asleep playing Wii. >.>

Anyways, I am in pretty good shape. I play basketball a lot and have almost no excess body fat, but I can't really run too much because I have minor Asthma.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
Originally Posted by Sepulcher View Post
I agree with ravenger, i think we are one of the most "unhealthy" organizations.

I myself keep in shape, i do tae kwon do and im a black belt.

When i go to pick my little sister up from high school, i look at all the other teenagers, they either have mountains of acne on their faces, or they are overweight, even my little sister has a bad case of acne

Acne isn't only because of chocolates and stuff. It's also because of hormones I hope I cleared that up.
Originally Posted by 715379 View Post
Anyways, I am in pretty good shape. I play basketball a lot and have almost no excess body fat, but I can't really run too much because I have minor Asthma.

I have a bad case of asthma and I lose my breath/energy quickly so I can't run for about 10sec+ without losing energy/breath, even though I'm pretty fit. It's a struggle to run around and play sports. ._.
I'm Back!
That's pretty much my case too Defyant. I can play sports without getting fatigued, but I can't like sprint for very long.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
I am way over weight:

Even when I suck in, I am so fat:

I am joking guys, I almost have a six pack. Well I did, but I kind of lost it a bit.

dude same here, BEING FIT FTEW.
Jujitsu really takes a toll on you.
