Well, theres nothing wrong with it, although it could create a sink for tc and put some of the rarer items into circulation so more people have them. The price range should vary depending on the price the torishop sells it for. The higher the item is to buy in the market, you could sell it for a little more/less. Therefor it creates a sink for tc and the harder to get items become easier to obtain. This "new method of selling" does not stop anyone from usng the forums or the market to sell there items, but it does open more idea to do with the sinked tc. Perhaps, one of the many things is that the GM's could host "higher tc tournaments" or use the items sold in the torishop to give out in those tournaments and the players could re-sell and make the cycle go on. The system wouldnt be abused because the "higher qi, and more valued items" will go for more, while the "lower qi and less valued items could sell for less. That way people dont "abuse" this feature for selling items they get on the market or through the forums.