Originally Posted by
Hey Risk I don't see gundem under the co leader spot.
Well if you checking the first post: Dyrisk still didn't update the usercard thingy you should find it on the clan sub headings link (
Ok dyrisk, so what i went for the ranks is that all of methods members are a certain "method" themselves and to make it a bit cooler, better, awesomer i added some latin words. I only made 5 ranks for now if you want more just tell me.
Method ranks
1. The Fabula Method (Fabula=Legend)
2. Persapiensentis Methods (Persapiensentis=wise)
3. Candidus Methods (Candidus=bright)
4. Calleoere Methods (Calleoere=experienced)
5. Novicius-Abortivus Methods (Novicius-Abortivus=new-born)
Dyrisk we need a bank NAOW. Iggu wanna donates some moneh
Oh just realised we do have a bank iggu is stupid
For your records...
You've sent 12500 toricredits to MethBank
Last edited by igzoz; Sep 16, 2012 at 07:28 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump