Nonono, was just sayin
Didn't mean it that way at all D:


Dyrisk if you want to i can make up some new rank names

On The Method

Just tell me how many ranks you want
In love with Dyrisk|Nin0fshin|hahanub|lexii|Gundampools|Dartzpi e
(Proud [Meth] Leader) IRC:
Ig: I don't think we really need more ranks right now. When we start getting more members, I'll definitely begin splitting up the ranks more, but for now I think it's fine. You can go ahead and PM me some ideas if you want to, though, and they may end up getting used.
Originally Posted by jordan273 View Post
Hey Risk I don't see gundem under the co leader spot.

Well if you checking the first post: Dyrisk still didn't update the usercard thingy you should find it on the clan sub headings link (
Ok dyrisk, so what i went for the ranks is that all of methods members are a certain "method" themselves and to make it a bit cooler, better, awesomer i added some latin words. I only made 5 ranks for now if you want more just tell me.

Method ranks

1. The Fabula Method (Fabula=Legend)
2. Persapiensentis Methods (Persapiensentis=wise)
3. Candidus Methods (Candidus=bright)
4. Calleoere Methods (Calleoere=experienced)
5. Novicius-Abortivus Methods (Novicius-Abortivus=new-born)
Dyrisk we need a bank NAOW. Iggu wanna donates some moneh

Oh just realised we do have a bank iggu is stupid
For your records...

You've sent 12500 toricredits to MethBank
Last edited by igzoz; Sep 16, 2012 at 07:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
In love with Dyrisk|Nin0fshin|hahanub|lexii|Gundampools|Dartzpi e
(Proud [Meth] Leader) IRC:
Ig: I dunno about those rank names. They aren't bad, but I'm not sure they really fit Method. We'll see.

Jordan: I dunno why you don't see Gund under the co-leader spot. I just double-checked, and he definitely is there. Also, the ranks will be gradual increases in privileges. People who are active and show good judgement will be able to climb up the ranks and earn more abilities, such as inviting people to the clan and, when the war system is put in, starting wars.
Hey everybody there is something wrong with my tb meaning that whenever I click multiplayer no servers show up. So untill I fix this I won't be in game.
Im the best and u no it!!!
For your records...

You've sent 1500 toricredits to MethBank!

It was everything I had :/
But I do not report for this post, I'm expecting the answer to be Ally's Risk!
And I love Iggy!
BrazilianPlayer o/
Thanks for the donations, Igzoz and Hahanub. I appreciate it a ton, it's good to have your support! It'll be excellent to have for when we're ready to apply for official.