Name: I'll put both, Cacrot and real name is Theo.
Age: I just turned twelve. (Don't let that affect your judgement I'm better than most 17 year olds.
Gender: I iz man!
Breif description why you want to join: Well, the other day I met Drekz and I liked him. So I thought I'd apply.
Exp/skill:Well I've been playing generally 3 years. I'm good at pretty much every mod and I kick ass at parkour and sparring.
Belt: 5th Dan blacky wacker.
Fav mod: Aikidobigdojo aikido taekkyon parkour mods and other things.
Least fav mod: runkido.tbm, that mod is totally bulls**t
Past clan: Pure, and Sir.
Previous bans, infactions: Well no bans about 3 infracs though that was a while back and I was still getting to know the rules.
Obey rules: Sure.
Yeah, so I wrote this on my iPod so don't judge my grammar, spelling.
Oh, and I made the clan banner, I'm an artist.
Last edited by CACROT; Nov 24, 2012 at 10:02 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump