The opener was cool.
The lifts were intense as in, "oh boy what going to happen next!"
The first kick was cool had a nice powerful flow into it and did a lot of damage.
Really I liked the combo you did almost at the end of the replay.
Smash was not really cool to me cause I did not see alot happen.
Nice handstand pose.
Replay thread

Just made...

Well, opener was nice and manip was pretty good, quite liked it though.
First was nice, looked strong and cool.
The next things that you did overall was really good.
Pose was cool, always like that kind of pose.

Well, good replay overall, kinda like you style.
U should be more active on [l] replay thread
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
The manip was a bit meh, you didn't keep the flow that well.
I think that grabbing after a manip is a sign that you couldn't get to Uke, but the core hit was alright.
The chest kicks were great though, they flowed well and just looked awesome.
Now that's a good amount of comments. Thanks, everyone.
We'll since my school is going pretty harsh on me, I won't be having that much time to keep posting here, but from time to time I'll post simple replays like this.
Attached Files
A_ as we all fall apart.rpl (184.5 KB, 26 views)
Last edited by Rial; Feb 13, 2013 at 05:50 PM.
I really like the opener for some reason. Extended abs always seems to impress me for some reason.
Alright decap, but you completely broke the flow. Then the boomhit was pretty nice, solid and looked destructive even though it wasn't. Crotch booms are the best.
Great pose too. Simple replay, but still a good one.
The opener the cool I liked how you swing you leg into his face but not really kicking him.
The way you moved him and kicked him was weird. I did not like the flow into it.
Second kick looked powerful.
I like the post but I would think it would look cooler to me if you extend your leg out.
Replay thread

Just made...

I wanted to extend my leg too, I even tried in as many ways as possible, but whenever I extended my leg, it would just lose all the balance.
As we fall apart - Opener was quite good and then after that it went downhill...
The decap wasnt too great. Looked really choppy but then the 2 dms to leg was nice.
But pose was sh*t....

Overall 7/10
Well, opener was quite cool, the decap was also pretty stylish.
didn't really like the boom. It should be more cleaner though.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."