Sega genisis
Sonic the hedgehog, Sonic 2
super mario bros and zelda
mariokart 64, super mario 64, Jet Force Gemini, Goldeneye, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Paper Mario, Donkey Kong 64, Marioparty, Mario golf, Pokemon Stadium
Spyro the dragon, lego island, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot 2 cortex strikes back, Crash team racing, tekken, bloody roar, mortal kombat II, Tony hawks pro skater 3, Spyro 2, command & conquer red alert retaliation, duke nukem 3d, sim city 2000, jet moto, need for speed high stakes, gran turismo 2
PS2: tony hawks pro skater 3, 4, GTA vice city, GTA San Andreas, burnout 1, 2, 3, many more I can't remember
Xbox: halo, halo 2, Tony Hawks American wasteland, burnout revenge, baldurs gate
PC: Ecco the Dolphin, Worms 2, Comix Zone, Command & Conquer red alert 2, Command & conquer yuri's revenge, Command & Conquer Tiberian sun, Command & Conquer Renagade, Lego Loco, Lego island 2, sim city, sim city 3000, sim city 4000, the sims double deluxe, the sims 2, toribash
Last edited by tertywerty; Mar 20, 2013 at 03:20 AM.