Originally Posted by
Overall, you receive countless more benefits from being a male compared to being female
Quite a sweeping and incorrect statement.
Originally Posted by Oracle
You receive better pay
On average, yes. This is because on
average, men work more hours owing to women's commitments to childcare etc. It isn't due to sexism.
Originally Posted by Oracle
you receive more respect
Most people's respect is probably going to come from members of the same sex, so I would posit that 'respect' is received rather equally. This is a bit of a vague statement, if I'm honest.
Originally Posted by Oracle
you have to try a lot less to get a lot more
On the contrary, I believe that this is true for women, not men. The amount of times I've seen girls being given 'special' treatment due to the fact that they are one is too many to count.
Additionally, men have to try a hell of a lot harder to find a sexual partner than women do. Go to any bar or similar social hotspot and it's plainly obvious.
Originally Posted by Oracle
you aren't on the receiving end of most gender-based discrimination
Nearly half the victims of domestic violence are men. This fact often goes straight over most people's heads as it is usually ignored by the police and/or media. Why is it ignored? Because we're men, and obviously men can't be domestically abused! Thats just silly! This is gender-based discrimination.
Originally Posted by Oracle
laws in place support male rights more than female rights
Women receive, on average, less jail time than men do for similar crimes. The law certainly does
not favour male rights in the slightest.
Originally Posted by Oracle
medicine is tested to treat males more effectively, even with diseases more prevalent in females
I'm pretty sure that breast cancer treatment research receives a great deal more funding than testicular cancer research does.
Men are more likely than women to die from cancer and heart disease. Cancer is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the world, so that second statement is completely untrue.
Originally Posted by Oracle
you're over-represented in positions of power
I wouldn't say that we're overrepresented, just a lot more numerous. This could be down to all sorts of reasons, but I don't think it's due to injustice against the female sex. Men don't actually sit around and think about how we can further subjugate women and stop them from gaining any positions of power.
By the by, the head of the International Monetary Fund is a woman, and since she controls the world's money, arguably has more 'power' than any man in any other position of power.
Originally Posted by Oracle
and you're less likely to get raped or assaulted
Raped, yes, as by definition it is impossible for a man to be raped by a woman. Assaulted, I'm not sure. Men are more likely to be members of gangs etc., and therefore are more likely to be victims of violent crime.
Originally Posted by Oracle
Usually, they're hitting you for being a misogynistic prick in the first place.
'But judge, I only punched her because she was being sexist'.
That doesn't justify it in the slightest.