Enter GM tourney.
Make sure you're near the bottom of the player list.
Have bottle of favorite alcohol nearby.
Every time a player wins by X points (choose X based on mod being used): Drink
Every time someone gets banned from the room: Drink
Every time someone beats a player of X or more belts higher than them: Drink
Every time the GM hosting has to massmute: Drink
Every three times someone asks what the prizes are: Drink
If you win your match: Drink
Rinse (mouth with more alcohol) and repeat.
Try to win.
Enter bets server.
Have bottle of favorite alcohol nearby.
Every time someone beats a player of X or more belts higher than them: Drink
Every 3 nudges: Drink
Every time bets are cancelled: Drink
Every time someone wins a bet of X tc or more: Drink
Try to make a profit.
Remember kids, don't drink if you are not in a legal position to do so. If you can't: use apple juice instead.