Original Post
ConCon Tournament


This tournament is for a youtube series showcasing the battles of many pro players and their skills.

32 teams will fight through a tournament ladder to get to the finals and only one team will win.

Each stage will consist of 3 matches, first team to win 2 matches wins and advances to the next stage whereas the loser drops out the tournament.

A match will consist of 3 fights, 1 fight per mod, namely;

- Aikidobigdojo.tbm
- Wushu3.tbm
- Rk_mma.tbm

A team can consist of a maxium of 3 players or may be done alone. (More players are recommended though)

For the two teams that reach the final

The winning team will receive:

The losing team will receive:

Tournament Schedule


Round 1

Round 2

Quarter Finals

Semi Finals

By signing up you are required to know these few things:

- Only one fight in each mod
- First team to take two wins will advance
- Plan a team name of 3 letters (This is something to refer to your team as)
- Save the replay for each fight for each mod (Acts as evidence and for Video)
- Obey any additional instructions when/if presented


Last edited by ConCon; Mar 25, 2014 at 06:51 PM.
Originally Posted by Moncho62 View Post
Can a team add a member? Since the team hasn't reach 3 members yet?

Yes but only a max of 3 can be in a team, and players can't join after the tournament starts.

Therefore keep your posts updated as much as possible.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
sign ups are closed??


Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
NO more sign ups from this point on.

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Yes but only a max of 3 can be in a team, and players can't join after the tournament starts.

Therefore keep your posts updated as much as possible.

Alright then, I'm with Proxun and Acyrul.
Master of the arcane arts
3 teams failed to present a correct application form:
Killer3366's team

Because there are 31 teams without them, so therefore I'll choose one to participate and assign a team name.

After some consideration, I've choosen killer3366's team, since he has a full team of 3 members and with decent win %s. Team name for them will be KHD (according to their usernames).

Expect the tournament schedule to go up soon.
ah, i fixed my app. i put the team name in the wrong place. can we use numbers, or is it strictly letters?
Last edited by killer3366; Nov 2, 2013 at 12:37 PM.
Dot dot dot
Ok so here's the schedule below, these are the teams you will be fighting first, it is completely randomised.

I will also list team names and members in a spoiler on first post in order for you to contact your opponents for your matches.

You will take responcibility for getting your fights done, 1 match in each mod (if you have a team of 3 people, each person must play a match each round):
- Aikidobigdojo
- Wushu3
- Rk_mma

After receiving 2 wins, you will advance to the next stage, whereby you save the replays of each fight and post it on this thread with an appropriate heading (teamname vs teamname).

Tournament Schedule