Originally Posted by
Well FlyingMonk's set aren't worth more than 300k and he is making fucking awesome and detailed sets. So this set should be worth around at 170k-260k
I could write you a goddamn
essay on why that's a terrible statement (And who knows, maybe when I'm not wiped out from 12 hours of work I will), but for now I'll leave you the following:
- 'Details' do not have any inherent correlation to good design.
- 'Details' do not have any inherent correlation to quality.
- 'Blank space is bad! FILL IT WITH DETAILS' is a terrible
terrible design philosophy.
If details were in fact the sole hallmark of quality then companies like Google and FedEx and Facebook and oh, you know, all the ones with really iconic and easy-to-recognize logos would instead have obnoxious logos with 87 colors, no blank space whatsoever, and probably a ton of tribal because it's really easy to get tribal brushes; every superhero costume would look like Jackson Pollock got in a fight with the Blue Man Group (Except with more tribal because tribal and visors because VISOOOOORS); and epileptics would have gone extinct long ago.