Christmas Lottery
Yeah, as I mentioned the sphere mapping puts that irritating wonky spot right where you want to put nice details on the shoulders.

Reworking the torso a bit (okay, a lot). Didn't really like how the stomach area was looking so I'm redoing it. Also made the 'reactor' on the back a lot fancier-looking and started working on some 'vertebrae' under that.

Still planning on going back to rework the arms whenever I finish the torso.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
not sure if you're finished with the pecs (body) but they seem to blend in with the pec joints
also from what you have on the front to the back i think the change is a little too much
the line down the middle was a great a addition but then the back seems to be a solid piece of metal
in my opinion the light on the back seems out of place and should go on the front
on backside of the lumbar the plate things don't make sense seeing as it moves side to side - they should go on the abs
Last edited by hobo; Apr 22, 2014 at 07:55 AM. Reason: words
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
that lumbar joint is the only thing that really concerns me, how you wrap it around the torso into the back to join up, is going to be real important.

back of the chest joint could use a bit more contrast, theres a big flashy light there but aside from the orange glow, theres nothing else to suggest it.

scale the carbon fibre up on the pec and neck joints, so all the carbon fibre bits and pieces are the same size, gotta keep consistant.

rest looks 100%, aside from the squiggly lines on the arms
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
hanz0 i fucking love it which make me hate you because i fucking want it lol jk i dont hate you but fuck this set should be worth like 800k-1mil
Much shmexiness
Well FlyingMonk's set aren't worth more than 300k and he is making fucking awesome and detailed sets. So this set should be worth around at 170k-260k
flyingmonk doesnt hand make his sets.
its a mixture of copy paste, hand editing and mudbox.
not many, if any, are original concepts.

tailoring an original set by hand increases the value by a substantial amount.

also, value does not necessarily equate to the price tag.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Well FlyingMonk's set aren't worth more than 300k and he is making fucking awesome and detailed sets. So this set should be worth around at 170k-260k

I could write you a goddamn essay on why that's a terrible statement (And who knows, maybe when I'm not wiped out from 12 hours of work I will), but for now I'll leave you the following:

- 'Details' do not have any inherent correlation to good design.
- 'Details' do not have any inherent correlation to quality.
- 'Blank space is bad! FILL IT WITH DETAILS' is a terrible terrible design philosophy.

If details were in fact the sole hallmark of quality then companies like Google and FedEx and Facebook and oh, you know, all the ones with really iconic and easy-to-recognize logos would instead have obnoxious logos with 87 colors, no blank space whatsoever, and probably a ton of tribal because it's really easy to get tribal brushes; every superhero costume would look like Jackson Pollock got in a fight with the Blue Man Group (Except with more tribal because tribal and visors because VISOOOOORS); and epileptics would have gone extinct long ago.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Wow best joint textures ever!!! 10/10 absolutely!!

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
the lumbar feels out of place/out of style with the skinny plates. idk how it ties in to your body textures though.