Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I don't remember learning anything about gender roles or gender stereotyping in highschool.

Should have payed more attention, then. It's being taught.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
It's entirely possible that SJW agenda is being injected into your local school system, they lobby like crazy.

Just because you're so narrow-minded and ignorant about the fluidity of gender doesn't mean it's a 'social justice warrior' conspiracy. Use of a bit of wisdom, Pig.
Ele, although ImortalPig is being a bit if a paranoid douche about feminists being sneaky crazy lobbyists he is right that in a lot if schools the difference between sex and gender is not taught. I have never heard of it being taught before.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Should have payed more attention, then. It's being taught.

Are we even in the same country Ele? Strange that you know more about my school's curriculum than I do...

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Just because you're so narrow-minded and ignorant about the fluidity of gender doesn't mean it's a 'social justice warrior' conspiracy. Use of a bit of wisdom, Pig.

Ele, I know all about the gender spectrum. I know far more SJW terms than any sane person would want to know. Even the common ones like aro ace can only be met with a facepalm.

Just because I disagree with SJW lobbying doesn't mean I'm narrow-minded or ignorant.

Though it is nice to see someone use an insult other than "cisgender scum"!

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
Ele, although ImortalPig is being a bit if a paranoid douche about feminists being sneaky crazy lobbyists

Are you trying to say feminists don't lobby?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Are you saying feminists don't lobby?

Lobbying and being the sneaky crazy lobbyists you have portrayed them to be are quite different.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Are we even in the same country Ele? Strange that you know more about my school's curriculum than I do...

Pretty sure you're from Aus, right? As a part of the Australian Curriculum, most of us learn this stuff through HPE and sexual health/education guest speakers. In Queensland they do something similar. It's not strange I know more about it than you, since I'm studying Secondary Education at uni.

If you're not from Aus then just discount everything I said.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Pretty sure you're from Aus, right? As a part of the Australian Curriculum, most of us learn this stuff through HPE and sexual health/education guest speakers. In Queensland they do something similar. It's not strange I know more about it than you, since I'm studying Secondary Education at uni.

If you're not from Aus then just discount everything I said.

I am from Aus too and did not learn that stuff. Not exactly sure what you are referring to, but different states have different curriculum, not everything as the same as over east. WA is the most obvious one that is different, but I doubt NT is using the same system as the east. Not to mention that sex/health education is an elective after 8th grade (depending on the school).

It always caused problems for nationals levels competitions because we had to study extra material.
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
Lobbying and being the sneaky crazy lobbyists you have portrayed them to be are quite different.

I didn't say that though.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Just to throw in my 2 cents, no, things could be better. What I do not like is women (stupid young girls) among other groups like inner city youths or religious groups making poor decisions and then acting entitled, that makes me consider human rights being something you should have to take a test to receive.

Otherwise gorman basically beat me to everything like usual.
hatter make me famou
I do agree with moonfloam about females, I find feminist groups to not be about "equality" but empowerment and a special social status. I am tired of seeing feminist say "there would be no such thing as the human race if there was no females in the world" while still insulting men. I don't know if they either trying to be bitches or they just don't realize that the same goes with men (it takes two to tango). Sorry if I am randomly blabbering, but I had to get that off my chest. I don't think genders will never hit a 50/ 50 equal status.

I also don't think there will be 100% equality because of the fact that everyone's different. Here in America, you have to at least put a valid effort in achieving success in life. There will always be lazy people in the world that don't try on anything they do unless it benefits them right then and there. Therefore, economically, there will always be the poor, middle class, and the rich. That's my input on economic equality.

But, for equality in general, I think only time will tell.
As far as gender equality goes. It's hard to bring that up to terms because of ethical and social reasons. Ethical being with religious and cultural beliefs and social being with double standards for example. In my opinion, sociality supports females over males and ethnicity can range from each culture and religion. I believe social standards will one day improve, but not so drastically that males will be more 'supported' than females but so that females won't be treated so 'specially'. Yes, females are treated specially by society if you haven't noticed. Though for culture and religion, those standards may never change.
Dog get special treatment. It doesn't mean they are privileged or equal in society. Feminism is about making men realise that they don't always have to be strong or thick skinned just because they are men, and that women don't have to be skinny and obedient to do well in life.

One thing with confuses me about feminism is how they say they fight for gender equality but also say that gender is a social construct and a choice. Surely if gender had so much to do with personality traits it makes sense for treatment to be unequal.

BTW in case anyone hasn't read Ele's explanation: sex=what you have in your pants. Gender=what you have in your personality. (Although I am not too knowledgable on such things so I may have got a few details wrong).
Good morning sweet princess