I'm going to apply anyways c:
Name: Whut (Kyel Sillman)
Belt and Win ratio:Custom belt. Like 55%
Past bans/bad history:some small infractions for ignoring rules awhile back and back seat moderation
Mods that your skilled In:Aikido, aikidobigdojo, mushu, greykido
Game activity[1-10]:since I have school it has dropped down quite a bit. So I don't know
Forum activity[1-10]:10
Past Clans[If u had any]Rad), (R), [u]
What can u do to help with the clan: I can make ou guys laugh and I'm fun to be around, I,can also make us have tourneys every once in a while, just contact me on how much the prizes are.
Why do u want to join Eternal: You guys are so nice to people and I like that in a clan, I feel like you guys connect with me and I feel like you guys like me (not exactly sure xD)
Skype Name (If u have Skype): kyel.sillman1
Any Replays will help! Lel cause I have skill xD
Thank you for your consideration
Sure Whut, a lot of us have gotten to know you and you are indeed fun to be around. I'm sure if we had a clan vote most of us would say to let you in.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
my name is chris and im a 3rd dan my rank is 592 i played 3666 games i was in clans rae rad and move my win radio is 46 im 11 years old and i wanna join enternal because its a talented clan i do akiobigdojio akido spar parkour i am gifted
Name: Mikko
Age: 13
Belt and Win ratio: Brown belt
Past bans/bad history: No
GMT: (GMT + 8:00)
Mods that your skilled In: Judo,JudoFrac,Aikido,Taekkyon and Jousting
Game activity[1-10]: 8.9
Forum activity[1-10]: 7.2
Past Clans[If u had any]: Sprite,LMC,
What can u do to help with the clan: I can help in War (winning it) and to do things and make Eternal Pop.
Why do u want to join Eternal: I know many people here and wishing to play with them and have easy contact on them to play fun mods
Skype Name (If u have Skype): damn i forgoted it xD
Originally Posted by MikkoBashr View Post
Name: Mikko
Age: 13
Belt and Win ratio: Brown belt
Past bans/bad history: No
GMT: (GMT + 8:00)
Mods that your skilled In: Judo,JudoFrac,Aikido,Taekkyon and Jousting
Game activity[1-10]: 8.9
Forum activity[1-10]: 7.2
Past Clans[If u had any]: Sprite,LMC,
What can u do to help with the clan: I can help in War (winning it) and to do things and make Eternal Pop.
Why do u want to join Eternal: I know many people here and wishing to play with them and have easy contact on them to play fun mods
Skype Name (If u have Skype): damn i forgoted it xD

It's a no for me man, plus that isn't even the application format we're now using.
Last edited by Triton; Oct 7, 2014 at 06:41 AM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by lane12345 View Post

If you wish to join the family please post your application in free-form format. The more time you take on your take on your application will affect your chances of getting in!

Before you post please read these few rules we have established:
1. No overly short applications, if you really want in you should take time writing your app.

2. Please do not post offensive comments or cause trouble within the thread, you will be banned and/or blacklisted.

3. Please do not post an application if you are under the required belt of brown. You are more likely to get in if you are second dan or higher, or if you have a good reputation with members inside the clan

Read the first post before making an application, thank you.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Hello my name is Elementalcraft, my current belt is blue and a little over 1/4 to brown. I am 14, my favorite mod is Zweihander, and I would like to join Eternal because the clan that I was in is now dead and I think that this clan seems suitable for me . I am not satisfied with my skill which is why I hope that this request is accepted so that I can ask to train in certain mods. My forum activity is average but I plan on increasing activity soon. I mainly fight in judo and zweihander. I play the game pretty frequently and my GMT is -7. My win ratio is 46.32 but thats because I mostly play in tourneys with BillyLlama and a few other advanced people.

Skype: trentlee009
You are below the minimum belt and do not have the skills we are looking for. It's a no man.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Helloooo, I'm nameless! my belt is black, my fav mod is wushu/anything parkour, my activity is shaky in game atm because I'm in college for game development, but I can be on the forums and chill out whenever I want. I've never been banned before. I used to be in steel but apparently they died while I was gone for awhile. I could possibly help with art if anyone wanted anything. I really learned about the clan because I have friends here, and we're like lovers XD (counteralt is my bb). Other than art I'm willing to help with any project really. oh, and my GMT is -5... ummm annnd... most of my replays are me not being serious... so they don't really showcase skill... but... well.. here you go! that should be good... i don't really remember what those replays are but i like those names lol

Awaiting a very sensual response,
Attached Files
parkour with itchy.rpl (1.34 MB, 4 views)
shake dat tori booty.rpl (183.7 KB, 4 views)
True Static.rpl (849.7 KB, 4 views)
lament.rpl (77.3 KB, 4 views)
who needs limbs anyways.rpl (99.9 KB, 4 views)
Beep, Boop
I liked your application Dev you met me tonight ingame before i saw your application and i must say, you don't seem like a bad guy. Tbh you would probably fit pretty well with our clan. Also i understand that you're a bit rusty but we gotta work on that if you want in.

All in all i could see you possibly being invited to Eternal very soon. (Not a promise )
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris