date of birth: well i was born in April 17,1990 , yes im pretty old haha

Location: I currently live in North Las Vegas, so that's pacific time.

Gender: IM A MAN!!!!

Belt: blue , I forgot my old acc password , it was 4th dan :P

Preferred Mods: well i love playing ABD,Aikido,Judo

Previous clans: none

Well im a 24 year old man that just wants to have fun on this game I currently work for the Navy , so i have a roommate haha, he also likes playing video games! our locations might move from time to time, but dont worry im active To all those people in the clan, LETS make this clan a way better rank by competing others on the beautiful ABD well thats all other then that i got 2 cockatails, fishes,etc but yea thanks for letting me have the opportunity to apply for this clan, the leader DJ said im good enough for this clan so here iam!
Menace Application
Date of Birth: 8/2/2002
Gender: Male
Belt: 2nd Dan (obviously)
Where am i: America
Mods i like: ABD, Greykido, Lenshu, Boxshu, and last of all regular Aikido.
Previous Clans: DN (A.K.A Death Note)
Date of birth:02/7/2000
Location: Brunei : 3AM
Belt:Black Belt (12 Games More to 2nd)
Preferred mods:ABD(i Like Abd Cuz is very popular mods)
Previous clans:Ghero(Newbie Clan)
More Info about yourself:Im 15 Years old,I Like to play Toribash,Why i like to play Toribash? Because Toribash its a cool game that can join Clan,can apply for admin and Much more.


Whelp, first of all, you're a lying bastard. It's the year 2014, you say you were born in the year 2000 and you're fifteen? Nah mate, you're mistaking me for someone who can't mathematic. Either you didn't graduate preschool, or, more likely, you're deceiving us with badly put together bullshit.

Secondly, in game, you're a tit. You're the person who reset the game, in that server, so I couldn't claim the decap prize. Why you may ask? Because "everyone else told me to." Yeah, nice excuse there. If they told you to hang yourself with a roll of barbed wire would you do it?

Thirdly, in the "more about yourself" section in the application, you told us nothing about yourself. You said that Toribash is a cool game. Gg, most of us already believe so.

Is was possibly a little harsh there, but I'm sure anyone else would agree with me in saying nope.

Date of birth:08/05/1999
Location: Central Time (US & Canada)
Gender: Male
Belt: Black
Preferred mods: Boxed Mushu, Pendulum Jumper, Twinswords
Previous clans:Accel
More Info about yourself: I'm a Gamer. I plan on going to College to get an Engineering degree and I plan on constructing the best PC's.

Well, your app is half decent, it ticks all the boxes, so that's one plus.
The thing that worries me is that, we're an Aikido Big Dojo clan. You haven't put Aikido Big Dojo or even any of it's variants in your preferred mods, which makes me question how well you'll do in things like clan wars. Can you please get back to me on how good you are in aikidobigdojo.

Sorry but im not that good at any Aikido mod, but I have the potential to learn. Teach me the basics and I will get better at the mod.
Date of Birth: November 4, 1998
Location: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Gender: Male
Belt: 2nd Dan Black Belt
Preferred Mods: Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, and Greykido.
Previous Clans: Swish, Kira, LAC/TMC(Both my clan changed name), and Sinon. I am an enjoyable person to talk to, I bring a very eccentric attitude.
Hi, I am WarriorAnsons
Date of birth: 07/09/1999
Location: ( Time ): GMT+2
Gender: Male
Belt: Black
Preferred mods: ABD, Aikido, Lenshu, Judo
Previous clans: not
More Info about yourself:I am athlete and successful in school. I play Toribash 3 hours a day and it's my favorite game. I've joined in 2011 but I had big break. Now I'm ready to gain my experience in this awesome clan! Thank you!