Hey guys!
Real Name: Jason
Age: 15
Belt: Green (Normally its black but i made a new acc because i wanted a different name)
Your Best Mods: greykido, ABD, aikdo
Best Ingame Ability: Lifting, suplex, sometimes i can do decaps
Previous Clans: The Monastery (Monk)
In-game Activity (1-10):8
Forum Activity (1-10):9
Why do you want to join?!: Well i want to join because i know Russ from playing greykido and it was fun but i don't know if he remember me. And i want to join the clan for meeting new friends and fight with them against other clans till we're on the top and also for making fun.
Special Skills (PS, Tex's, Graphics, etc.): Well i can make simple art
About yourself: Hello i'm Jason.
I'm 15 years old and live in Belgium.
My hobby's are playing toribash, gaming on ps3 and go out with friends.
I played toribash a few years ago , but my pc was to old so i buyed a new one.
But now i'm back with new skills, moves etc.
Thanks guys for listening
And i hope i see u guys soon