Christmas Lottery
Video is being redone, because somebody Dosn't want to have a white shader, Okay, Yosaku, Saintowar, I need you to chose one of the shaders above
sorry guy's didnt had the time to say this case of the noob that are trying to make this clan die lol , thx for choseing this clan to make the video .
am really not in the time to talk about this ................ >.> sooooooo i will just spam

>>................ >.> ** ^^ $$$$$$ tuai Guardian FTW ! u suk ! momomommommomo dsdsdsdsdsdsd xD xD xD OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i sukkkkkkkkkkkkkk torbsh --------------------------- OO -----------------------------

sorry i know i suck at spaming , lol that was my first time xD .