the spar is nice, i dont really like the parts where not much happend (e.g. when Tori laid on the chair).

shit.... the madman had clean and nice dm's.
the 2 last skeets didnt flow that well but were a cool idea (im not sure about the decap skeet cuz uke's had was still so close to you).

2 nice new replay you got there.
Pidda's spirit animal
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Frame 420 again.rpl (397.9 KB, 11 views)
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
first kick could have been a boom imo

second kick really cool and quick

third kick is with the chin :/

the jump for the last two kicks was kinda strange... dunno but i dont like it (<- the jump).

rhe last two kicks were awesome.

really cool replay..... but i wanted to win this TWC .-.
Pidda's spirit animal
judging about the replay i knew your focusing on the hands unusual opener nice skeet excellent pose

idk why your dead it's making me sad :<
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
judging about the replay i knew your focusing on the hands unusual opener nice skeet excellent pose

idk why your dead it's making me sad :<

i wanted to say the same thing but he was faster <3

cool replay
Pidda's spirit animal