Re: Advertise Toribash!
Originally Posted by PlayerID666
Someone post a nice ad and i'll stick it up everywhere. (I need credits...)
I'd make one myself, but I lack any and all artistic capability
Meh, I think it needs to be in a more creative way than just an advertisement poster. :S
Edit: Currently working on a HUGE toribash advertisement / display on Second Life. If anyone has the game, let me know, I'll send you a teleport when it's finished.
(For those of you who don't know what Second Life is, it's pretty much a Massively Multiplayer 3DsMax. Huge sandbox world, chat enabled, and you can create things. I'll finish the Toribash display, and place it in a very high traffic area. Tons of people will see it, and those who click will be directly linked to site.