View Poll Results: We want a name change, but should we change just the tag or the name and the tag?
Just the tag
17 Votes / 17.53%
Name and tag
34 Votes / 35.05%
I like the name and tag
46 Votes / 47.42%
Voters: 97. You may not vote on this poll
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well originally Vel and I had the clan as Hood, [H]. But H was taken as a tag, so we changed to Raw [R]. we made the clan as raw, and i immediately asked Gucci to join and he said "why not Vanquish, Vq." out of no where. SO we changed it to that :-)

Also I would like everyone to check out the new rules spoiler. I'll post this is in skype to but i really want everyone to read it

Also welcome to all new members of today~
Welcome, everyone! I love this name a lot more than those two. :> Thanks, Gucci!
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Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
I don't know Vq is an awkward tag in my opinion.

(Van) or (VanQ) it just seems everybody is wanting a two letter tag or a one letter tag.
|Free Agent|

Usually when making a tag you go with the first 2 syllables or do it one letter it just looks classier that way
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
Please, get out before we call an admin. >_>
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Resten fixar jag

Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
Now that the problem children are gone, time to move forward and become the best we can be.
|Free Agent|

We already are the best, lets just get better!
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Resten fixar jag

Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3