To start out, I warmed my body up to lifting with full body strength training. Was doing babylover's modified SS for the first two weeks just to get my body back into the lifting mode (and because I know babylover personally and he's just a great authority on lifting)
Now that I'm comfortable, I switched from 4x a week full body routine to a 3 on 1 off (6x a week) full bodybuilding routine. Can't say I'd ever consider recommending it for beginners because it uses a lot of advanced lifting concepts like drop sets, pyramiding, rest pause sets, super sets, etc.
In the past two weeks I've gone from 120 lbs to 132 lbs today. Still have quite a bit to go before I hit my goal but that's all good. Going to get a massage today to aid the recovery process. My first lifting goal will be to weigh 150 pounds, that's a pretty good luck for someone of my frame (I'm only 5'5). From that point I'll probably bulk a little more, then go for the eventual 152 pounds @7% bodyfat for my like, end goal physique. Once I've obtained that, it'll be all about functionality training for my job.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Feb 28, 2016 at 07:29 PM.