Secret Santa 2024
This is quite silly thread, especially the title of it, (but yet some relevancy) to anyone who has "been around".

Alcohol did not land me in psyciatric, apperently meth did...Yet, i rarely touched ethanol before i even took my first cigarette. And, i smoked tobacco to blend with hashish. Then, since hash is illegal, it was found in the same hands that kept the meth... So the "gateway" for me was tobacco, by choice, though i had tasted ethanol a few times.

But then again, i chose cannabis because alcohol (which i hated), as we all know, is simply an organic solvent....

But then yet again; few days ago a successful business man was found with his head cracked beside his own pool, leaving behind a daughter and wife, apparently courtesy of a night of drinking alcohol..

Drink water or juice!, beer at most. But stay away from that damn nicotine, it might just be the hardest, and last, you will ever try to beat!

"Stay safe, stay legal" - bosnianbill
Last edited by DuckHuntP; Oct 21, 2015 at 08:26 PM.

alcohol in moderation isnt terrible for you. as long as you have self control, getting drunk isnt dangerous what so ever. Ive never gotten drunk and done something ive regretted because of self control. Some people think its impossible to control yourself when drunk but you can still think and function, just makes it more fun
Originally Posted by Shockey View Post
alcohol in moderation isnt terrible for you. as long as you have self control, getting drunk isnt dangerous what so ever.

Well, i dont know what to say except:

#1 Amongst the first things to dissapear, is the self control. To keep that, stop well before any alcohol lingering in the stomach starts taking effect.
#2 Getting drunk, normal drunk, is not dangerous; It's the drunk person who becomes a hazard to themselves or the surrounding environment Unless overdosing, then it's a direct danger from alcohol.
#3 If #1 and #2 excludes "moderation"; see #1
#4 If neither #1, #2 or #3 applies, skål!
Last edited by DuckHuntP; Oct 22, 2015 at 01:13 AM.

id rather blaze at parties than drink guys, drinking is for when you're alone and depressed over how cruel life can be

and drinking beer gives you a gut so that aint gucci famboy
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma