yea novitech just give up you cant report him. Thats why u get tcs b4 u give out textures.. the heads i made were purely me and my skill
Maybe he DIDNT wnat the textures. and even if he keeps them if he WEARS them hes banned.. he can have them.. but i garuntee he wont wear yours.. i was going to flame there but im not getting banned for a day again.
EDIT: SOZ for double post =\
ye aits rlly good ill take it, but can i just give u 5k and sapphire force? or do u want to wait a day or 2 until i can get 10k?
I'll just wait for the 10k. That is fine with me. Here is your texture.
In the pm i said it was good and would most likely be the winner, But right after that pm i sent him a second saying, but dont give me the real texture as i am waiting for other entries....