Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
you propose a paradox: Can an infinite sum of sumbers in Pi be calculated infinitely faster than the events themselves take place?

No, because you cannot operate faster than yourself.

the contrast between events would be so significantly extreme that by the time an exact calculation to the infinitesimal fraction of Pi is achieved, that very fraction will most definitely have changed to compensate for the calculation "having already taken place". so one cancels out the other.

The best you can ever hope to get is an immaculately accurate prediction within moments before or after its' taken place.

Pi is 3.14~ with an infinitely constructing decimal that does not repeat or loop. Found by seeking the circumference of a circle.

Phi is 1.61~ with an infinitely reoccurring decimal - however even though the decimal loops, it also constructs with every iteration of Phi.
Phi is derived by dividing two adjacent parts in its infinite sequence (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ~) thus making its decimal just as infinite as Pi, but a constantly and subtly changing decimal. every two numbers beyond 13 result in a consistent 1.61~

can you recite Phi? i can up to 17711!

So when it comes to predicting free will, you're pitting infinity versus infinity.

And its not a versus environment.
It's a cooperative mutual involvement which paints the picture. competition is an illusion.

Yeah, great. Which is relevant to me asking if prediction mattered to determinism how exactly?
Good morning sweet princess
my mistake, i seem to have misinterpreted you as saying that events could be predetermined in advance to their parts existing.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Wow you guys make things so darn complicated. Anyway, I indeed feel that free will exists. Every second of my existance I am given countless of options regarding how I react to stimulus. Now if you believe that somehow everything is predetermined then thats ok.

Im gonna tell the universe to screw itself because I do what I want.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Originally Posted by NiteNite View Post
Wow you guys make things so darn complicated. Anyway, I indeed feel that free will exists. Every second of my existance I am given countless of options regarding how I react to stimulus. Now if you believe that somehow everything is predetermined then thats ok.

Im gonna tell the universe to screw itself because I do what I want.

not that i disagree with your free will, however my argument is that eacn and every one of us IS the universe.

So you're telling yourself to fuck yourse- ohhh masturbation. gotcha.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.