Secret Santa 2024
I think everything is pointless. No reason behind it all. Life isn't here for a bigger goal. Its just there. Because something happend a long time ago which made life possible, why you ask? I dont think anyone has a answer that certain.
Sup nerd
The truth of life has been revealed and it turned out to be better than anything we could have imagined. For the first time in mankind's history we can know the truth as it relates to conscious life and it can and will change everything. The truth only changes peoples perspectives on life, thus changing everything. Once people see the truth they will be fulfilled, people will experience the perfection of life. True life is perfect, it is our imperfect minds that mess it up. Its hard to believe from your current perspective but its true, Google Truth Contest and check the truth for yourself, the truth will set you free
It's only really something I think about before I sleep.
Sometimes it's scary, other times it's curiously evocative. Perhaps there is a god, I don't know. Why should I care? Shouldn't I just be living on the best terms I can, whatever the outcome? The only thing I know is that I love my parents. They make me get up in the morning and face another day. They give me comfort, but happiness, well, I don't think I've ever truly felt it. Maybe that'll be at the end. Life certainly isn't like a box of chocolates.
Originally Posted by ToriMecha View Post
The truth of life has been revealed and it turned out to be better than anything we could have imagined. For the first time in mankind's history we can know the truth as it relates to conscious life and it can and will change everything. The truth only changes peoples perspectives on life, thus changing everything. Once people see the truth they will be fulfilled, people will experience the perfection of life. True life is perfect, it is our imperfect minds that mess it up. Its hard to believe from your current perspective but its true, Google Truth Contest and check the truth for yourself, the truth will set you free

I didn't go too deep into that, but it seems like a bunch of theories put together. Like something scientology would do. I will read the rest later, maybe tomorrow, but for the others: Reading that is probably a waste of time.
What do you do when you feel there is no point to life? I've read that thinking there's no point in anything is a sign of depression - I feel it's the other way around. I feel depression is the effect of feeling there's no point. It seems the consensus here, generally, is that life doesn't have a point. But a lot of people to admit this will also say something like "but since we're here, we should live life to the fullest to be happy". As with everything else, that seems pointless to me. Ultimately, if we just exist without purpose, but we have the choice to live our lives in happiness or depression, I find that it's hard to just be happy if the ending is the same regardless of how I lived or what I did.

The world is a dark, ugly place. I just came over from reading a suicide help site. All of the people there are fucked up. It's not cool. One guy had a way of putting it that really clicked with me. Once you see the world for what it is, there's no going back. The deal is sealed. You'd have to pull the wool over your eyes and lie to yourself to live a happy life. People pretend to care so much about others, life is so meaningful and great, etc. all I see is hypocrisy, contradictions, and ignorance. I'm sure you get the point. Basically what the guy had to say. How do you get past all of that? I have thoughts of my own similar to this.

People are miserable. Why do people form addictions? Take drugs? Watch TV, play games? It's all to escape from reality. I don't know if everyone even realizes this. We live in a horrible reality. If there's no point to life and we're all just trying to get by finding ways to distract ourselves and make ourselves happy, why are we even all alive at all?

There's no answer. It's maddening. Life only has the point and meaning that you give to it. That point is probably pointless, too. This all probably sounds very cynical and bleak, perhaps my shitty outlook even pisses a few off, but I feel it's intelligent to realize the horror of reality and the absence of a point within it.
i feel that life is just a random phenomena with no planned out purpose but a purpose we decide and create for our self's
Too lazy to read the whole thread so I'll just add my input.

So basically you're asking "The Why?" ; first of all, welcome to a more spiritual world. It's good to ask yourself that question, we're touching a period where spirituality will play an important role for mankind imo : we've had a century of crazy technological & scientific growth but we've lost something on the way, or we realize we lack something we didn't need so far.

When I say "spirituality" I'm not talking about religions, I'm talking about inner peace and humility, knowing how small and irrelevant we are, how unlikely and beautiful the phenomenon of Life is, and how fucking things up will just end our existence and just leave space for something else. We're not important, we're not "god's creation", we're not the center of all things. We're just a tiny part of one huge ass thing.

So, there's no "Why". The "Why" to Life is Life itself ; but our human purpose is for us to create. We could be shepherds ensuring the balance of our ecosystem here, we could go spatial and be witnesses to the Universe, we could be individualistic selfish beings trying to accumulate the biggest amount of useless shiets for no special reason but having the most, we could be a disease and fuck everything up with no purpose until we erased ourselves... All you need to discover is what will make YOU live your life happy and with little regrets in the end.

Personally, and knowing we're a social species, I'm trying to make myself happy by making others happy, more aware of our condition and the conscious choices our survival requires, through art and communication. Trying to do what I can to change the world in the direction I judge the less harmful from a social and biological point of view, even if it's vain, I do what I love for the things I know to be true.

We're at a point where humanity will either become nihilist or spiritual. You choose.
we are alive because our mom and dad had sex, simple shit homes.

alright in all seriousness.
i think of life as a story that we build on until we reach the end, we are alive to see the world, be a part in events, do things that you get to do once in a lifetime, then simply die thinking that i did all of these things, and lived life to the fullest.

i dont take shit to a spiritual level because i simply dont believe in most of that stuff. just going to point that out.
Why delve into why we're here when we can delve into what we can do while we are?

I think we're here to live life. That doesn't mean any one thing. As you can see from this thread, "life" is a completely different concept for each and every person. There doesn't need to be a deeper meaning than this.

There is not one true answer.
I think I might be retired.
Well your soul(yourself) is stuck in this human body! so you have 3 options:
do what you like to(own decisions, lead by your own needs and wants)
do what you have to(listen to your intuition, your inner voice)
kill yourself(be reborn in a new body, got enough balls for doing that?)
Enjoint life