Originally Posted by
This board is for brainstorming and discussion.
...Which is what we are doing. "Discussing."
Originally Posted by
The first flame I ever had caused massive amounts of lag and made the dojo barely visible, I played with numerous admins while I had that and none of them cared. You don't realize you can turn flames off so that rule doesn't apply.
Just because they didn't care at the time doesn't mean that they are not against the rules
to have.
...You're just reaffirming that you would also be able to turn these animated textures off.
Originally Posted by
Second, what the fuck is the point of having a 2 frame gif for the head only?
I do agree that my suggestion of a two frame animation is highly limited, but it could
just as well be 3-10 frames. I'm a former pixel animator and I have decent knowledge on
animation, so I know that you can create great animation with a small amount of frames.
Since I only suggested it for the head texture, there are many practical animations you
could input into your face and your obscure features.
Originally Posted by
And yes, it would be expensive, look at joint textures right now, full 128, the lowest resolution, is 1,000,000 tc. Why would AN ANIMATED TEXTURE be worth something like a 512 head is(20k)
It is opinionated on what everyone thinks is "expensive."
Those "expensive" items exist, and people buy them pretty frequently...
Just because you may not be able to afford, or wouldn't commit to buying them, doesn't
mean that others won't either. Again, this is just your opinion on price and value.
Originally Posted by
And for the last point, did you not see the new massive feature in v4.7? We have 3D models now, the possibilities are endless with that.
Yes, I am quite aware of the 3D feature, but I do not have the resources, nor the ability
to create a fitting 3D model for my tori, and I will assume that a majority of the community
doesn't either. An animated head texture is far simpler to create.
Originally Posted by
It has no rational reason other than "I want it."
I'm pretty sure many people have provided lots of "rational reasons" on this thread.
This is a Suggestions & Ideas thread, wanting and exploring those desires is part of improvement
and discovering new and different elements.
Lazors Moderated Message: |
Note to all- You don't need to discuss what belongs here and what doesn't. Let the mods take care of moderation. |
Last edited by Lazors; Jan 30, 2014 at 06:19 PM.