Originally Posted by
idk but I was atleast hoping I could pull a full 512 out of it
if you want ill trade ur 512 in ur active for it
Very much no thanks. I don't intend on selling my 512 for anything unless it's more tc than I payed for it.
These are the items id be interested in: Amber Relax, Cobra Force, Gangster Bandana, Maya Relax, Portable Cassette, Pharos Relax, Pure Relax, Pure Hair, Rudolph Nose and Antlers, Clout Goggles, Dark Grey Beanie, Blue Beanie, Fish Friend, Spikey hair, Supernova Force, Vampire Relax, Viridian Force.
Give me your price on it.
Last edited by Ping; Aug 22, 2017 at 10:51 PM.