@Hoka has become official Member.
@Pendragon & @Soon still trial.
We are able to apply to get official. I thought we weren't because of our 1 week old thread (since it needs to be 1 month old) but I've asked Life if we could apply since we deleted our old forum (with enough oldness) and replaced it for this new one. And He said we could.
So, what I need now is TC.
Applying costs 50k (I know that's not much TC but I like making everything as fair as possible to everyone)
(I'm also poor as hell)
We are 10 official members, so it would be
5000 TC per member. Plz
send that amount of TC to me as quick as possible.
Our chances to get official are high IMO.
Tbh we are one of the most active and strong current clans, so ye.
Last edited by Martin; May 28, 2019 at 11:19 PM.