z, x, c, v and wasd + right click to move

i also scroll to contract a lot of the time, idk why

but youre a fucking idiot moron stupid head if you click joints
I click on the joints, then press space bar. I use my computer to run the game and I always make sure that my graphics drivers are up to date.

to avoid infraction:
(clicking more than one button is insane. left click thats it)

edit: @thiggist: fuck you moron
thiggist you are wrong you are so wrong it's just weird how wrong you can be.

clicking, c and v master race

also i play with socks off : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Pretty much use all the controls, z/x when I know what I want to do, click whan I wanna see my options, mouse wheel while moving mouse around for random openers.
literally always only speed clicked joints

only ever right click and drag to move camera

ofc i use c and v as well
changed how i play a little,
ghosts off, i use c and v ofc, speed click joints / x and z is always good.
(people who cant speedclick are inept and probably have FAS)