Re: Animated Signature Shop
If you're happy with it, it's fine by me.
Prices going up, holidays finished less time to do them, blah blah blah. Anyway it now cost 175 for a signature.
Re: Animated Signature Shop
wow, im glad i got one of ur sigs before u raised price

There's my signature now when do I get this free boat armed with plasma launchers you mentioned?
Re: Animated Signature Shop
Okay, how about a ninja dude chucking a shuriken
maybe as a pivot, if thats okay, since i know you're good at that
so a ninja running, killing people with shurikens, katanas, and kicks and stuff. then The name Ninjas falls and he jumps on top of it. As far as font, black, maybe in CrazyKiller (there is a website called, try to find it there). otherwise, Papyrus would look pretty good. thanks a bunch, i guess if its a big deal i'll pay three hundred credits. 150 upfront, if you want
Re: Animated Signature Shop
Originally Posted by 7upchuck
wow, im glad i got one of ur sigs before u raised price

thats easy for you to say....
Jam noes what i mean
Re: Animated Signature Shop
Originally Posted by Ninjas
Okay, how about a ninja dude chucking a shuriken
maybe as a pivot, if thats okay, since i know you're good at that
so a ninja running, killing people with shurikens, katanas, and kicks and stuff. then The name Ninjas falls and he jumps on top of it. As far as font, black, maybe in CrazyKiller (there is a website called, try to find it there). otherwise, Papyrus would look pretty good. thanks a bunch, i guess if its a big deal i'll pay three hundred credits. 150 upfront, if you want

Can't use fonts in pivot. I can do writing but I can't choose a specific font.
Re: Animated Signature Shop
I tried to make this my own but its a pivot one.

The Basic Stik and the stick Hampa uses. The one with three backbone parts. Fighting with each other than the Hampa stk (just to name it) does an ball beam (a throwable) to the default stks head his head pops off and the ball stays on the head part. Than the Hampa stk does some weird movement with his arms and hands and than the ball explodes and throwing all parts on the default stk into all directions.
<Hamster> I need a towel
<Hamster> ._.
Re: Animated Signature Shop
What's that got to do with this shop?
EDIT: Sorry misunderstood your post. Which stick does hampa use? Basic stick is the default stick or a base stick? Also what do you mean by ball beam?
Re: Animated Signature Shop
Jam, i was kinda reading these posts, and i thought, if you need any help with pivot stuff, i could probbably do it, cos i like to do that, ill do it for free (no sharing the credits or anything) tho it migt take a while before im fully able to start becouse im not getting a new comp till next week or so and this one is shared (me and my bro) but its in my brothers room..., so just tell me or PM me or Email me plz.
Re: Animated Signature Shop
Could i have one where theres 1 guy firing a massive laser/beam at another one, then when it hits have a explosion come out from the guy who got nailed? (Laser/Beam colour Blue please)
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