Christmas Lottery
1st rpl - lol, you was supposed to throw, not walk to uke. Minus points cuz this mod changes gravity and this may help in walking ;o

2nd - yeah, this is good throw.
Attached Files
!jboomkick.rpl (142.7 KB, 8 views)
!jnicepunch4.rpl (112.1 KB, 5 views)
!jkickmadman.rpl (295.1 KB, 5 views)
!jepicrun.rpl (93.1 KB, 14 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
epic run: sweet, nice and fast. i wish i could run that far.. i screw up after 700 ed or so.

boomkick: sexy. <3 boomkicks. that is all.

nicepunch: a bit same old same old but tis a nice punch, start a combo with it i would.

kickmadman: kick madmans rock, could be an idea for replay comp II! Looks a lot like some of my sp stuff.

All my favourite sp replays are in the clan vid thread, so heres some recent wooshoos
Attached Files
mp wu 2ndpunch.rpl (24.6 KB, 7 views)
mp wu comebackdecap.rpl (73.6 KB, 5 views)
mp wu hand dance.rpl (68.4 KB, 5 views)
Youshop | Art
2ndpunch: a classic wushu fight but your punch is fascinating!
comebackdecap: poleno is a good fighter. difficult to decap him. but this trap was unique! nice!
hand dance: i was really laughing at this replay! never balanced a hand that good!

here go my newest! enjoy!
Attached Files
##destruction much.rpl (46.5 KB, 5 views)
##more action 2.rpl (156.5 KB, 5 views)
*decap 4.rpl (38.3 KB, 9 views)
*impro madman.rpl (158.9 KB, 8 views)
*the ownage facekick.rpl (99.5 KB, 11 views)
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
destruction much Wow. Amazing kick, i love how it comes in at the perfect angle to hit one leg and then the abs+leg leaving his arse suspended in midair haha

more action Nice, the boomhit with his head is cool. the end slows down a bit but its always hard to get those pesky last bits of torso.

decap 4 You get up to his neck damn fast :O the real magic shows in this move when you pause it at frame 440ish ^^

impro I like how you use lots of different styles of hit to dismember him, you have an original sort of style to your madmans. The only bit i dont like is the pause after the decap, the rest is nice and flowing.

facekick Nice, really brutal looking... like the decap pausing it at the moment of the dms fron the right angle makes for an epic lookin' scene haha.

I've posted soo much today, time to stop rambling about tb and go to bed haha. Il get some more replays up tomorrow.
Youshop | Art

##destruction much - Omfg lovely <3. I love the kick, i love how you don't jump around 100 frames to get a pose, it just happens.

##more action 2 - Pretty much perfect. I really enjoyed it. I like how you boomed uke with his head.

*decap 4 - Nice decap.. Nothing more to say, decaps are a little booring for me : D

*impro madman - I like how you wrapped yourself around uke, however at 300th frame you just sit on him doing nothing, that's a little annoying.

Spree - sorry i don't like to comment MP =P


!jboomkick - Great boomkick. I've never actually got 5 dismembers in my life. Haven't really tried either though ^^

!jnicepunch4 - Well, it was a nice punch. I didn't really like it though. It's not that it's bad - just doesn't fit my style

!jkickmadman - Can't say i enjoyed it.. The fact that you left glutes + both legs together wasn't good (you still had time in the end) and it was missing an ybercool pose.

!jepicrun - Oo, very nice running and nice decap. The pose was better in this one too.

--- My replays, only the first one is new but i'd like some more comments (read: ego boosting) for the other replays too : D

SP - madman09fixed - my next attempt at a madman.. I just love grabbing uke, pulling him towards me and hitting him with my other hand.. And when it results in a boomkick, i just have to make a madman out of it. This time i only used hands. Yes, it does use a lot of grab but.. Oh well.

SP - nograbman - My first nograb madman. Contains a little boomhit (uke into 4 pieces) and a shatterkick.. =D

SP - ORMO - I wanted to join the replay makers org (got accepted, btw =D) and they wanted a split, so i started making one.. Didn't get a split, but i got some other dismembers =D

SP - runningcap - My attempt at running 1000 ED and decaping uke. On the third or something page of this thread you can also find the version where i fall down in the middle but instead i decap + split + dm ukes hand.
Whoop Whoop
SP - madman09fixed - I love first hit, rest is nice too
nograbman - not really stylish, but anyway nograb. I like 2nd hit - claws ftw
ORMO - looking at pros rpls I can say this rpl is bad ;o
runningcap - Not bad. I like moment when you move your hands, it looks like you went mad and you're just running to annihilate uke in fury xD


Now, slice of multiplayer epicness. Sambo gravity + 10 tf + 700 ed + enemies = JtanK can run to them and own their ass.

Miechoowned is best, CantEscapeDeath 2nd, !fight is 3rd (just saved because looks nice how we run towards each other)

you must watch them
Attached Files
!cantescapedeath.rpl (212.8 KB, 7 views)
!fight.rpl (154.6 KB, 7 views)
!RunMIECHOowned.rpl (144.3 KB, 10 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
cantescapedeath: really nice walking but i would love the decap more if you didnt lose your hand . damn runner, this guy. lol.

fight: as the title says, its a fight. i didnt like your walking in this replay because your arms looked weird. it was better in rpl 1.

RunMIECHOowned: best replay in the list. i really enjoyed the decap and the quick dq. the only detail that bothered me is your falling at the beginning. you should have started walking earlier.

here are two decaps i made earlier.
Attached Files
*quick decap.rpl (54.8 KB, 4 views)
*another quick decap.rpl (54.9 KB, 5 views)
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
*quick decap - I liked it. You just go and kick the head off with your leg. I also liked how your other leg stayed on the ground.

*another quick decap - I liked this one too : D. The spin was nice and looking the replay with shift + p i was actually pretty amazed you managed to gain enough strength with that kick to get a decap.


SP - I can divide by zero - I made this specially for Spree's nograb contest. It's nograb.
Attached Files
SP - I can divide by zero.rpl (173.3 KB, 18 views)
Whoop Whoop
SP - i can divide by zero: that was impressing! i liked how you just stood at ukes side and i especially liked the comeback kick at the end!

i just made this decap! (called like that because its so brutal, so adorable, you just have to love it!)
Attached Files
*everlasting love.rpl (74.1 KB, 11 views)
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
uhh, ill explain later. here is an edited version for magix
Attached Files
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count