Nah he aint calling you a whore chrissn, a smiley whore is basically anyone that spams their post with smilies, like :bloodymess: or :triggerhappy:.

Also, don't take Diealready's flaming personally, he is always like that. He doesn't mean a word of it.
Fonzie be with you.
Can I PLZ Join [TAG] PLZ Ive Always Wanted To Ever Since I First Saw It
Belt:2nd dan
PLZ Can I Join?
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
Also, don't take Diealready's flaming personally, he is always like that. He doesn't mean a word of it.

Im usually like that after a shit day of school which is starting to happen alot lately.

also, D47, go fill out the form properly and stop sucking up.
can some one in the clan give me some moves 4 insta gib feet?

Infracted for begging. 1 point.
Last edited by Diealready; Mar 14, 2009 at 10:28 PM.
Diealready I personally don't care if you flame. Just keep it under ban status. and chris I can help you with instagib next time we play together.
meap rocks