Christmas Lottery
You import it beyond belief.

What do you do when your doctor refuses to believe you don't have diabetes, and calls you in for a THIRD test?
Evaporates Earth in ten days, guaranteed.

You bum rape the doctor, which somehow gives your penis diabetus.

What do you do when I spell diabetes wrong?
Fonzie be with you.
A psycho scholar man rapes u for having no sense of spelling.

wat do u do when the scholar man realizes he has no spelling sense?
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You fag. That's my avatar from forever ago. You're just cramping my style all up on the toribash forums.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
cauz it gives meh sumthing to laugh at xD
[TAG] [TAg] [TaG] [tAG] [Tag] [tAg] [taG] [tag] [7A6] [7a6] [T49] [~|~ /-\ (_;] ---The many faces of [TAG]