Rules For replays
If you are going to post constructive criticism, add your own replays as well so that the next person to post can criticize you. Otherwise, everyone else gets better and you get left behind.

Wushu match vs Nachouru. I decapped him
Attached Files
nacho decap.rpl (29.9 KB, 5 views)
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))

The only thing people say when I post is either "wow not bad, u r a skilled plyer!!1!1!111!" or "Horrible, it was slow, and not to mention rather stiff". I'll only ever get constructive critisism from the "The Game" board.

This is why I'm not posting for a while.

(Also I'm kinda hoarding my replays for now lol.)
I'm really saving all the good ones for the video, but I shall post some sub-par ones lol.
Attached Files
niner_slow.rpl (169.5 KB, 7 views)
My weird replay. I didn't really have a goal going into this, all i wanted to do was decap Uke, and I did that .
Attached Files
decapitated.rpl (202.3 KB, 7 views)
Super mega limp style lol. That was rather interesting, the flailing was funny. 5/10 because you could have easily added much more than a dm and a decap.

Perfect wushu decap, tutorial style in that you only need to extend one joint afterwards
My goal was to find a good wushu decapping move and well... here it is!
Attached Files
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Similar but different, the goal was to create a decap that could go well into another video or as a tutorial rather than a madman or a world record
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))