Nom = Feldor
Description : Feldor était déja a son plus jeune age un guerrier redoutable , a 8 ans il commence a s'entrainer seul , dans le plus grand secret ...
Plus tard , il décide d'intégrer la fr_armée , une armée secrète regroupant les meilleurs combattants seulement et sachant se battre habilement avec un katana , des épées ou même a mains nues pour l'indépendance d'une torination française.
Recruté , il devient l'un des meilleurs samouraï de sa troupe, la fr_gamer , malgrès son caractère colérique et lunatique . Il est actuellement grade black belt .
Name = Feldor
Feldor was early a Formidable warrior, at 8 years old, he began to train him alone, secretly...
Later, he decided to enter in the "fr_army", a secret army with the best warriors only, they know how to fight with a katana, with edges and with their fist for the independance of the french torination
Recruited, he became one of the best warriors of his troop, the "fr_gamer", even with his angry and moody character.
He is actualy Black Belt !
it would kill to have a pizza!
but as there was no money
let the poor sny die...
How crual world
a beautiful day during he preparing to go begging, he see a pub on the TV
he squat
he began to have even a BIG hungry,
he is still 3nd dan: p)
I think that you know
(and worse if you know: SNY)
sny was at home.
he had the slab, it would kill to have a pizza!
but he had no money to pay even a full texture set plus a pure force
he could not eat ...
what a crual world! letting the poor sny die...
it's always the rich who earn ...
this poor sny had a sapphire force, an adamantium relax, gradients are adamantium and gaia,
he has aqua trails, a chest and head texture.
oh and not forgetting the gaia emote text and neptune timer and ghost
he is a 3nd dan
imagine the poverty of this guy!
sad ...
a beautiful day while he was getting ready to go begg, he saw an add at TV (yes, he live in a home of a friend)
Toriconquest! you can earn TONS of Toricredits! do not wait, go sign up!
sny listened to the add, he didn't wait...
that is why today, he began to have got even more hungry, but he is determined to win!
(especially since he is still 3nd dan: p)
Happily, there is a Free buffet