Here's my list of loopholes with possible replies:
1) If the Earth is flat, why is it when you look out in the open ocean, that the end of it just disappears? If the Earth is round, this is because it curves and therefore you can't see the rest of it.
Possible answer: That is not because it curves, but because it goes out so far you can't see the whole thing
2)You argue that if the Earth were round, the people at the south pole would just fall off. Have you ever heard of something called gravity?
Possible answer: Yes, but gravity does not exist. We are held to the Earth via its acceleration.
3)But if the Earth is the center of the universe, how does it accelerate?
Possible answer: It vibrates.
4)So why can we not feel the vibrations? These vibrations would have to be so powerful that we would have to at least feel them.
Possible answer: That's what the government wants you to think. In reality you can never feel vibrations.
5)So how can I feel when a tuning fork is vibrating?
Possible answer: You were probably out drinking.
6)But I'm underage.
Possible answer: I assume you steal it then
7)Lastly, if the Earth is flat, then if I put you on a plane and sent you across the equator around the world, you should therefore either A. Fall off the edge, or B. Be shot down by the "cover up agents". I predict neither.
Possible answer: I don't go on airplanes because airlines are all controlled by conspirators.
Retort: What if it's a private plane?
Possible answer: I don't want to crash into the ice wall.
Basically most of what they say is pure bullshit.