Originally Posted by
They do. Don't kid yourself. Similar dynamic male vocalists, cheesy, unoriginal guitar driven riffs... i mean, it's all there.
You seriously don't get what I'm saying.
The songs don't actually sound like each other. Paralyzer has a straight, pop drum beat with a lightly distorted guitar.
Woke Up This Morning has an intricate drum beat, a heavier distorted guitar, deeper vocals, different bass sound. Along with mainly all of their songs.
Now do you get what I'm saying? Ffs...they sound different in terms of heaviness. I'm talking from a musician's perspective. My original point was that they are too heavy for pop.
Originally Posted by
you're an idiot.
If you want raw, try the first album of the The White Stripes.
Nickelback couldnt make it in an alternative genre.
You sir, are the idiot. You don't even know what I'm talking about when I said raw. I was agreeing with Warcry's point of view of 'raw'. Gtfo and read the earlier posts before being an ignorant kid.
Originally Posted by
unoriginal guitar driven riffs
There's nothing new under the sun. You can only arrange so many notes and rythms. Riffs that you have heard and you think are original I guarantee you have been taken from classical pieces and much older bands. There's barely anything that's original, and same for classic bands. Look at Tool! Even they have influences and their riffs are influenced from older bands. Do you think that you can just pick up an instrument and suddenly be original and make unheard rythms that no one has ever heard of before, in this era? That's what influences are, borrowing. So unoriginal? Yeah, mmk.
Last edited by Drummer; Apr 6, 2009 at 11:02 PM.