What's your real name? : Ben.
How old are you? : I'll get back to you on that.
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : 3rd dan.
How long have you been playing? : 2 years and about 3 months
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?: Yes, when I first started I took one, then I came back.
Current Country / GMT? : -5
Former Clans? : TSS
Why you left/got Kicked:
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) : I can do things.
How active are you forum-wise? : Too active.
How active are you In-game? : 6.5
Any Bans? : Nope
Any recent major infractions?: An infraction for a useless post.
Any Alts? : 1
If you have alts, list them here: Weeellllll, technicly this is an alt because my first account (Mayonnaise) was there but then I forgot the password (which I now remember).
Did anyone refer you?: At least 3 of you.
Will you follow the Rules?: Probably.
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) : Well I got an invite from Inf and it felt wrong to just accept it without doing anything. So here I am needlessly complicating things! Soooo yeah I post here more that some members (probably too much) and I was pretty much a member without the clan tag, and now that I left my clan its time to actually do the final melding into Ethr. Yeah, really.
Draw what Ethereal Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop):
I made a whole art.
Please include 4 replays. 2 Single player, and 2 Multiplayer. My Multiplayer replays are gibberish because I need to save them fast :P