[Req] Wheelchair Mod/Joust?
Is there any wheelchair mod?
Cuz if so that would be really awesome
so i would wonder if someone could make it (unless its already made)
theres no wheelchair mod and i dont think u can make it unless ud make the wheels non cylinders since toribash's cylinders are rounded and not flat D:
sry the mod is bugged
here is 2 is hard to move but try
Attached Files
wheelchairjoust.tbm (3.5 KB, 5 views)
wheelchairjoust_mobil.tbm (3.5 KB, 4 views)
wheelchairjoust_walk.tbm (3.3 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by dengue; Oct 4, 2008 at 12:50 AM.
how about a mod like sambo except that you dont have to worry about anything touching inside the box, only outside. makes some really cool moves available.
Dunno how far behind i am on the mods and i'm sure this has allready been suggested but why can't i see any 4 player games goin on here? just a battle royal or w/e would be pretty sweet, with an arena you have to stay on or something but yeah, team matches or just 4 all on all would be pretty sweet.
3 and 4 players aren't defined by mods, only by toribash itself or by a replay. It is possible to mod player 3 and 4 but only a replay would be able to let you play it.
ground mod
I was just wondering what if someone makes a mod of submission (taking out dismember and turning on fracture) but only in the ground how it would look like?