Secret Santa 2024
Breton here, people ftw. Magic and swordplay. Im level 40ish too

On my Nordic account, im level 18 (it gets hard when you get to the higher levels to me)
Veni , Vidi , Vici
I like magic but Conjuration and Destruction are the main types of magic I use.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
From what I heard Bretons are kinda OP
Well, just slained an other dragon in a pretty decent fight. More like a team fight with an icetroll who sacrificed himself in order to give me the dragon ;)

Currently around lvl 17, but I'm pretty unsure about the skill-tree. can someone give me an advise about that?
The thing is that I dont know what to use: Magic (Destruction), one-handed or double-handed weapons? Or Utility?
Forging. Definitely forging. and one handed combat with sords, then magic, mostly destruction.
Veni , Vidi , Vici
Hm, is there any possibility to buy forge-skill points? (Have seen that with Armor and one-armed fighting)

Furthermore: Why is forging so important? I've barely done it yet because I never rly had much metal etc
My armoring is low. But I find good armor.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
kk, just saw that I can get to the Daedra with forging. Guess I'll create alot of iron daggers now

@Granby: yeah, but my armor isnt the worst thing right now (currently got the dwarf armor set), because I'm dealing very few damage
No! Don't! wait until your other combat skills are at there highest, if you max out smithing you'll level up too much, then the enemies you fight will be much more difficult for someone your level. It's a mistake a lot of people make, but (spoiler) fighting dragon priests will be neigh impossible otherwise.

I have Breton spellsword, very OP, when I get my Xbox back I can't wait to continue with it! I was playing aiming to complete all side quests, but once I did all the main quest ad my Khaljiit I realised I was bored of punching things to death and rolled Breton, level 16 but super fun none the less