Invite 8r
Okay, so I'm feeling the itch to organise an event of huge proportions. Instead of handling it by myself I figured I would make it a Raid thing. Hopefully by the end of this everyone who wants a role within it will have one. So here is the basic idea:
It will be a massive knockout tournament, I'm thinking 32 participants, who will follow the normal knockout format until a winner is decided. Pretty simple eh?
Well it's the planning and organisation behind it which will be difficult. The first step is determining the 32 competitors. My ideas for this is to host 16 knockout tournaments with the top two players gaining access to the final competition. I like this because it gives everyone a fair chance of making the final event. It also allows us to spread it over different days and GMTs as far as possible to help as many players as possible be available. Now we have Tart, Surf, Crux and Mwah who will be able to handle the broadcast. Which will be done 16 times totalling I believe 96,000TC in expenses. Unless of course we get Gamekeeper sponsorship which is in the plan.
The next step is deciding who will fight whom in the final event. The fairest way I can think of is the Player who comes 2nd in the first tournament will go on in the first round to play the player who came 1st in the second tournament. With the 1st Place player of the first tournament playing the 2nd place player of the second tournament. If that makes sense, I'm pretty piss at explaining things. As far as I know, this is normal way of handling competitions of this kind and to me makes the most sense.
Okay, next we need to decide how the players will fight. Here I was thinking best of three matches, each match being in a different mod. So one match of Wushu one match of Aikido and one match of Taekkyon or something like that. With the final being three matches in each mod, so the players play a total of 9 games.
Okay, the hardest part in my opinion will be arranging these matches so that both players are online and willing to fight at the same time. With a Raid player to supervise. If we create an IRC channel for this event which you will ALL sit in when you are online we should hopefully be able to cover a 24 hour period. This way when the fighters arrange their fight they will simply grab a Raid member from the IRC channel to supervise. The Raid member will then save the replay for proof. This will be the hardest part and is the thing that contributes to most events like this failing hard, but as a clan we should have the time and energy to run it smoothly.
Finally, we need to discuss things like:
Event Name?
Member Roles?
Gamekeeper sponsorship?
Okay, use this thread to discuss the event and ask questions or whatever. Also I haven't proof read this it's just coming off the top of my head so beware of things that don't make sense. ;)