Why do you wanna join?(to help my freind Demaster10 & to help everywho in the clan)
Are you respectful? yes iam
Do you swear overall loyalty? yes,i swear
Do you make textures?: no i dont make textures
How will you benefit the clan?:no clan i have joined in before
Ban/Infraction History: none
i live at kuwait city,kuwait,im 12 years old,im allways ready to fight & special at wushu,judo & akidio,sometimes my freinds name my n00b for my noob moves like punching the head or head taking
P.S:the replays for the head punching & head taking is:-
u where already in clan.. and u left toribash, am i right??
if u want to come back its cool with me, but u got to be more active in forum...
get that 11 post count to 211 post count..
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...