Either way everywhere you go everyone will think you hack at some point. >.<
I downloaded TF2 last night fun game, though repetitive.
CS never played it.
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
Assassin's Creed Revelations: Loving the new story line and cross playing with characters.
Gears of War 3:Playing the beta, I though, "Holy shit this is one game I MUST get!" (luckily I pre-ordered it, so I just need to wait in December."
Halo 4: Don't know what to say really. No gameplay videos, but the teaser looked cool.
It's. . . been too long.
I'm not too excited about Revelations. Storyline is great, but gameplay is meh. Really easy, doesn't vary.

@Cata: They always make good teasers for games like Halo. Lots of money, and you can do whatever you want.
HayZ ~ <3
I hate how they changed the Elite's armor. (From the teaser it looks different)

Halo 2 elites were THE SHIT.

I could care less about Master Chief >_>
HayZ ~ <3