Ok you guys are seriously trippin. Like I think its a big flippin deal if someone cant hardly speak English. I know its not his first language idk why your stating the obvious here because that a pretty useless post. "Oh its not his first language so dont rule him out" Oh really like I couldnt tell? I think communication is a pretty BIG deal in terms of letting someone in like I said you guys make big deals out of things because I said the guy cant speak English. Ignorance.
Also why is it that everytime I say no to someone you guys get pissy? Grow up not everyone thinks like you do. Or in other words the world isnt about how YOU operate.
I've said all I need I expect everyone to see this and pm me not to respond to this on here. Keep it up for a day or so ( so you guys see how I feel on your Useless posting and Stating obvious facts which goes with my first statement) then feel free to delete it once you the clan sees it.
ATD, none cares what you think anymore, its how we think as a clan. Just because YOU think a different way does not mean we have to change the way we think. It is always about what you think. Look deeper into the forum. Read all the post you have made that made yourself sound like a douche. I have members pm me about you, stop getting angry at the little things. Stop telling everyone else to grow up when you are the one who really needs to grow up. And yes their useless post are starting to annoy me to.
Last edited by marccod; Mar 17, 2011 at 01:38 AM.