damn it guys sorry for my inactivenesss!!!!
i was in a party yesterday and the post i sent about my inactiveness (one day) wasn't sent :O!
sorry guys!!!!
also.. i saw this
if u didnt read it now u need to read it. its important.
"re: Ally Posts || Good Luck Posts
There's recently been a small adjustment to the clan discussion rules, specifically rule #2:
"Useless posts are not accepted in any form, send a PM - don't make a post. Useless posts include but are not limited to: single ally/enemy requests, "good luck" posts, single character/symbol posts, smiley spam, etc."
This has been changed to:
Regardless of the quality, posts are expected to at least provide some meaningful contribution, as your clan thread exists to provide your clan with a medium for discussion. It is not acceptable to use your thread for nothing but smiley spam, for example.
Check the rules out here.
This has the effect of making ally / good luck posts no longer against clan discussion rules. However, please keep in mind that the first rule of the clan discussion board needs to be observed. A clan maintains the right to prohibit any specific content being posted on their thread - including both good luck and ally posts. This information should be made clear on your front page. Invading a clans thread with these kind of posts when the clan has made clear they are not welcome is a strongly enforced rule; you will be warned/infracted for doing so."
the message was write by Fear (one of the admins of our thread) so...
obey the new rules mates!!!
dont want our clan get another warning!!!!
PS: ill be ingame for sometime now... if someone wanna make a recuitment thread...
k we are warring with kirito vs (ocean) please the faggets who can came here do it naw kgo :^)
Also we winned the war!!!
Kirito derped 3 times and i get lagged once making me misspace twice... And a derp from me...
I winned 5 times and kirito 1 at the end.
It was fun but i wanted something like first to 15 and they didnt wanted to...
Ps: ill send the join request to abstracts.
Noone said that i should not and he made a not bad app.
Last edited by smaux57; Feb 22, 2016 at 03:52 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump