Originally Posted by linkhunter View Post
Halo Reach

That game is a complete let down in my book.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

*wild mocro appears*

When I first played Halo Reach, it was way less than what I expected it to be.

Also, my computer sucks ask(my desktop, I don't have a laptop).
I don't know everything memorized about it, but I know it's a 2001 Windows XP.

2.97 ghz
1 gb ram

I don't really remember the other stuffs
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I agree with toon Quickscoping there blew my mind
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Whats up Beatches!?
Sorry for my inactivty, had alot of things going on.
Going to try to get more active here.

Your not really obligated to post here
But even so you can post here if you want
"We always define who we are through our actions"

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