Could I please have a set too, TKJ?

Pretty please, with a cherry (and Tim's emasculated scrotum) on top?

Also, when will the Deadly Game start? Or has it already started?

Forgive me for being a tad ignorant. I'm as clueless as a newborn velociraptor (and as busy as a lawyer; my midterms are up this week, you see).

My 600th post!

Nope, still nowhere near some of you chatty blokes (and Tyzi).
Last edited by Trick; Aug 5, 2013 at 01:05 PM.
Originally Posted by Trick
Also, when will the Deadly Game start? Or has it already started?

Applications are closed. I guess first riddle will be released today or tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Could I please have a set too, TKJ?

I'm busy with other stuff , so you'll have to wait a bit.
Originally Posted by TKJ View Post
I'm busy with other stuff , so you'll have to wait a bit.

Waiting is my British friend's sister's husband's mother's maiden name. (For real.)

In other words ...

Yeah sure, I'll be more than happy to wait for an awesome set. Quality art takes time, as they say.
Under normal conditions, I'd be extremely down with that/up for it.

However, I just got home from my midnight Law on Negotiable Instruments class and I'm itching to get some much-needed shut-eye, primarily because I have a shitload of exams tomorrow.

Maybe next time, bro.
Can you guys like make a pic that will go well with marine relax, aqua force and aqua primary gradient? I got a head texture but I am bad with art.
Originally Posted by TKJ View Post
Oh , alright.
I just woke up and i'm bored as fuck .

I guess that's the downside of being on opposite ends of this water-coated interstellar pebble which we call Earth.
Last edited by Trick; Aug 5, 2013 at 04:23 PM.