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She's not useless late game. And ending with 300+ damage and ~40% crit chance with sheen proc, trap debuff and heal +60% attack speed, not to mention the around 180 armor and 140 mr (with maw of mal's spell shield) and 3.8k hp. I think thats pretty useful and can most likely take on the enemy ad carry given the correct conditions.
I can solo baron as soraka given the right conditions. Doesn't mean it should happen though.
Theory runs the risk of looking good on paper, bad in practice. Numbers and me came up with a solo top + jungle 20 minute baron strat, which looks good on paper, but it only worked around half the time, making it meh/bad in practice. We have almost a 100% to kill baron without a death (it's reliant on Numbers not getting knocked up too often), but it only takes the enemy team 75 gold or a little bit of luck to catch us in the process and ruin it. You have to assume the worst case situation is possible, not the best case.
Likewise, for nidalee top, all it takes is either heavy early deny, or keep away in late game. What can you do in that situation, either without gold advantage, or consistent cc or avoidance? Not much, you don't even have the role of initiation or cc that would salvage a lackluster start.