Name :Kenshin
• Country(we are a multicultural clan, we accept any one no matter what race you are or country you're from) :Phillipines (Asia)
• Belt :Green (almost to blue)
• Clans you've been before and the reason you've left those clans :I dont have one
• Your skills (texturing, movie making, ingame activities) :Making 3D models.
• GMT :
• Why do you want to join us?(We don't accept the things like "This is an awesome clan!" and bla-bla-bla) :
• Infractions/bans :Nothing.
• Ingame activity :Playing aikado.
• Some stuff you can say about yourself (about 2-3 sentences) : I'm cool. And most often i forum :3.
• Some replays(This is mandatory) :I make alot of twinsword replays but i mostly use aikado.